Saturday, May 16, 2020

Daily Life Lessons. Practicing Peace and Forgiveness to Value Yourself More.

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest
- Matthew 11:28 NLT

Note to self: Continue to be transparent. Don’t hide your feelings just so others can be comfortable. It doesn’t do you any good. 

Marriage has shown me a lot, not just about myself but about other people. It seemed like I was trying to please everyone and I ended up cheating myself by blowing my own experience. I noticed afterwards that the excitement of my ideas, my dreams, and my goals were not shared. I was confused and hurt, and even angry. I instantly got depressed, and my anxiety was through the roof. All because I allowed others to dim my light. My abandonment issues took full effect. I took a lot of things to heart and it took a toll on my mental health to the point where I realized that taking things personally even when something is clearly directed to you is not healthy. I decided that after my wedding, I would NEVER allow MYSELF to let anyone else dim my light. That morning, I gathered our belongings for our honeymoon, and I made up in my mind that I am enough for God, I am enough for Me, and I’m enough for the people who choose me. I felt like a new woman. It wasn’t a walk in the park, it’s a journey. I had to make a lot of changes, all mental. I took the next few months seeking counsel from family members I could trust. I kept my head in the word, seeking God's face, expecting Him to meet me where I was...and like always, He was there, waiting on me, staring at me right in the face. He met me in that moment, navigating me through scripture and pointing out the answers I asked Him recently and even years ago. 

It’s been many times that I have felt that I am just destined to be sad and angry all the time. Feeling like I am wrong to wear my heart on my sleeve. Allowing others to define me, my loyalty, my worth, and my views. I think that many of us who are introverts internalize so much, and me personally, I tend to internalize the perception others have about me. I didn't believe I grasped the concept that it doesn’t matter what others think. Honestly, I think it does matter what others think about you. I say this because I believe that being aware of people’s intentions is a good thing. It definitely teaches you all of the warning signs to avoid, and it prepares you to protect your peace. 

  1. Know your Worth. You are Enough. 

This is a new daily reminder. Knowing that I am enough. That should be enough. Right? Sometimes we forget this, and I did for a long time. I can’t help but to think about the conversation God had with Moses in Exodus 4. God gave Moses instructions to abide by once he arrived in Egypt to deliver His people out of bondage. After Moses pleaded with God to send someone else God said something that hit my soul. 

He said, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord?-[Exodus 4:11 NLT] 

It doesn’t matter what other people say to you, hear about you, or see, you are enough because God says you are. God made me because He wanted to. He made me for His purpose. I am good enough for the assignment. 

  1. Choose to Love People. Choose to Not Deal with Foolishness. 

Putting yourself first does not make you selfish, being selfish is not doing right by people. Most of us were taught to put others first. Take care of people, help people when they need it, offer your help even when people don’t ask. In Matthew 22:38-39, Christ tells us that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. It’s the greatest commandment. Then, He said, “A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself…”, but what does that mean? It surely doesn’t mean to just love your next door neighbor as yourself, but to love your fellow man, across the seas, your boss, your co-worker, the man in the drive through etc as you love yourself. As servants of God, we are told to love our neighbors, but neglecting yourself is not loving yourself. That’s something I struggled with because I felt for a long time that dealing with people’s demons meant that I loved them. Goodness, was I wrong. My downfall was having this mentality that if someone needs me, i’ll be there, and when I need them they will be there. It doesn’t work out like that every time. If it’s not reciprocated then move forward and protect yourself. 

  1. Peace is a Gift. Protect it at All Costs. 

Peace is one of the many gifts God gives willingly. Having a peace of mind is the ultimate oasis to true love. It exceeds anything we can understand. [Philippians 4:7 NLT] A disturbance of peace internally can shatter a staggering mind, BUT when you are secure in Christ, you can instantly shift your focus back on Him. Instant peace is an amazing thing, and once you experience it, you will make sure that it’s protected at all cost. I had to tell myself that I am at a time in my life where I have too much to do to allow someone to disturb my peace. I asked God to remove anyone who’s tied to me that disturbs my peace, and to teach me to never allow anything or anyone to do it, including me. Peace belongs to you. Protect it. 

  1. Forgive. Despite their Faults.

Lastly, FORGIVE. Now this is a hard one for most. For me, when someone hurts me and breaks my heart, it is hard to love them. However, knowing what I know now, loving someone even though they wronged you is the ultimate form of forgiveness. Christ did it for us. Forgiveness is not for the people who wronged you, it’s for you, between you and God. Beautiful right? 

Friday, April 24, 2020

God Is Calling His People Out Of Tradition

Since Covid 19 made its way to the United States, life as we know it has made a major shift.  To be honest, I’m always home normally if i’m not at work or with family, but I can say we all may feel a little out of touch with what used to be easy to access. What is normal has been flipped on its side quite a bit. With all this time we now have on our hands, we can truly take the time to be still and listen to God and study his word so that we are made aware of the times we are currently living in, and how to be more prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

I have lived in different states and I have had my share of finding church homes, and I have always wondered if I was being judgmental towards churches. I attended churches of different denominations, and something always seemed to go left. I always try to give certain churches a chance because I can’t be judgmental on the way that specific church chooses to deliver the word of God. The flow of the Holy Spirit is a flow that I can not change. However, when I sit and observe for a while, the Holy Spirit begins to minister to my heart, revealing to me things that I can’t explain nor understand until I study and it just clicks to me. I believe these 4 major red flags helped me find God more, and taking notice of these has been a major blessing to helping me find God more for myself. 

I am NOT against the church. I am The Church, because The Church is in me. There is a difference between The Church and A Church. I am not in agreement with man made religion that binds and corrupts and fabricates the living word of God. It’s a lot of things that I wish a lot of churches would stop doing. God laid this on my heart to write and I am going to listen to what He tells me, because I know that when God tells you to say something, we need to say it [Ezekiel 3:16-21] We as believers know that JESUS IS COMING BACK, and time is running out. As the Church, we have to stop playing and really stay in tune with God. I'm not here to convert. I am here to speak the truth and share the gospel. Nothing more, nothing less.

1. Staying in a Traditional Upbringing.
I noticed that it’s not the churches as a whole, but it has a lot to do with the confusion and corruption of man made religion (tradition). The main problem in most churches today is that they are so stuck in tradition that they are blind and deaf to the fullness of God. When you try to control the flesh WITH the flesh well, all hell breaks loose. When you continue to preach and enforce strict rules that are not biblical, not only are you hindering others from the true word of God, you hinder yourself. Honestly, deep down I believe many people in traditional churches miss out of the full goodness of the Gospel. It’s disheartening because we know that God is good, and you know that He is a way-maker and that our God is an amazing caring God. The only thing that keeps us away from God is the relationship we have with Christ. It’s more than a program, or five minute prayers. It’s more to God, and He requires more from the US, more than just the bare minimum. Don’t continue to be asleep, you have to allow God to open your eyes and your heart. WAKE UP.

2. Gossip.
Too much gossiping among other members is why many saints leave the church. In 1 Corinthians, Paul corrected the church about problems in the church, being divided and not on one accord being one of them. [1 Corinthians 1:10] We are not supposed to act carnal minded as the church. We are set apart, and we should continue to focus on living the way God intended. 

3. Favoritism.
Many of us have experienced the effects of division in the church. It’s great to be around other believers, and it is encouraged to gather with each other and worship. We know that God does not have favorites  [Acts 10:34]. There are no big I’s or little You’s in the body of Christ. If God loves us all for who we are, then so should we. 

4. No Spiritual Growth.
Spiritual growth should not be confused with changing your beliefs. As believers we are to grow spiritually and wing off the “basics” of the word. Just like physical growth, from infancy to adulthood, we are to advance from milk to solid food in our spiritual life.
[1 Corinthians 3:2-3 BSB]

Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual, but as worldly—as infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready, for you are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and dissension among you, are you not worldly? Are you not walking in the way of man?"
1 Corinthians 3:2-3 

I took notice in this, and applied it to what the word, as the church, we are to be on one accord with one another. With all that I have encountered I had to make a decision. I had to decide if I was going to serve God, meaning I am going to seek His face, heart, and direction for my life, or to serve man and what man expected from me. I knew if I stayed confined in 4 walls I would be missing out on the fullness of God, and I knew that one day God will lead me to a church home where I can be myself and worship and commune with other like minded believers of Christ. 

I Encourage you to accept Christ, and not only accept Him, but to serve and submit to His calling on your life. If you have always wanted to build a relationship with Christ but you never knew how, say this prayer in your heart, and direct it to Him. He's ready to accept you into His arms.

Admit and Repent.
We ALL have to refresh ourselves in our walk. Your journey's may be easier or harder than others. Still, you have to admit that you are a sinner, and everyday we fall short from grace. We have ALL sinned. We were ALL born into sin. We ALL fall short but we were created in the image of God, who is perfect in all His ways. [Romans 3:23]

That our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Son of God came in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for OUR sins. Believe in who Christ is, and know who He is, and what He did for humanity. If you don't truly, honestly believe this, then you won't inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is the ONLY way. [John 14:6; John 15:5-6]

Confess, that Jesus is Lord. The King of kings and The Lord of lords. Confess this with your heart and your mouth. It means nothing to not truly confess your sins. If you believe that you have never sinned, then you're calling God a liar. [Romans 10:9; 1 John 5:10]

Pray This Prayer, and Truly Mean It.
    "Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

If you said this prayer, and you received Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you need prayer, please feel free to contact me, I will be more than happy to pray for you. Stay encouraged and seek God's face diligently. Your life is changed for the better. God Bless you and your journey with Him. 
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Faith: How I Manage Depression and Anxiety

I'm back with another episode that will shed light on mental health. I will be touching bases on how healthy coping mechanisms such as faith and therapy help defeat depression and anxiety during storms in our lives. Whether it's loss of a family member or job, trauma, let downs, and feeling alone. How do you cope and manage depression and anxiety? 

How do you manage depression and anxiety? In Episode 2, I will go over my personal testimony, scripture, therapy, and therapeutic exercises that have helped me defeat the daily struggle with these two disorders. I believe that depression and anxiety is a temporary problem when you put in the work to defeat it. 

Dreamer. Words of Encouragement.

I just want to take this time and be very transparent. In this season on my life I notice that I am starting to feel the shift in which God has revealed to all of His people throughout HIStory. You know that feeling where you know that the world is bigger than you ever imagined? That feeling of knowing that you were made to do something great in life? Since I've quit my job I have been trying not to feel sorry for myself by beating myself up. Instead of moping around, I have been taking this time to better myself and to shift my focus on what God is calling me to do.

IT'S SCARY! There is no way around the process.

Coming in to terms with my ability to not have any control on how my life goes is a tough pill to swallow, but my trust and faith in God grows CONSTANTLY everyday. I have wanted to give up a thousand times, but I'm choosing God, and what He has in store for me. I know He does, and that's why I trust Him.
